Friday, December 14, 2007

Pros/Cons of my Job

Most everyone who reads this (if any one does) knows that I have a daycare in our "cozy" home. Due to the set up of our lovely home, the kids are mostly in my living room (no separate area). This can be a bit frustrating when things get spilled or when the same bin gets dumped, picked up, dumped, picked up... (con #1)

Wednesday night Sydney was vomitting - do I call and close for thursday and not get paid or do I wait and see? She didn't end up being truely sick so I could have never told the parents but luckily only ONE parent was going to keep their child away for Sydney (who was thought to have the stomach flu) so I still got paid for most of my day.

Thursday, a parent says they don't know if their husband will be able to get to work on friday (because of their sick child) which means "we won't be able to pay you until monday or so" HMMM ... How would you like it if you went to get your pay check and was told " maybe in a few days you will get the money you were counting on?

That family figured out a way to pay! but then today a friend who brings her daughter 1 or 2 days a week said "I forgot my check book, I will drop it off sometime next week" I hate this part of my job. so I had to say, NO that wont work for me. Her husband just stopped and gave me the cash...

On to the Pros! Today was Sydneys christmas program at school and it was at 8:30 in the morning. I didn't have to ask for permission to go I just made arrangements for someone to come and watch the kids for me. Then when I got home my fill in/friend, Jolene, stayed for the entire morning and visited and helped! Love her! and then another mom brought her daughter to catch the bus and stayed to visit and help until 3:30, Love Bobbie Jo too.

More pros! I can be the one to "teach" Sydney how to act (even if I don't always do a good job) I can be home everyday to get ben off the bus, I can see my husband several times throughout the day (even if I don't always want to :) ). and I get to play a big role in the lives of the children and their families. I hope I remember to show them Jesus! I guess I like my job after all!

1 comment:

the Stigers said...

I loved reading about your job! I didn't know you had a blog but found it through Mandy's. Have a good day! Hugs, Sarah