Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Blessings come in so many different ways.

I meet with a Mentor at church about once a week and we basically talk all about me, my family and my 'stuff' and some things I should be working on or doing different. In doing this, my mentor has decided that my life is well...busy.

A couple of weeks ago she came to our meeting with stack of paper plates! HUGE blessing. I don't usually buy paper plates for a couple of reasons, 1 - I don't like to spend the money on something I just throw away and 2-I try to do little things for the environment like avoid making too much waste! Well, if someone gives you a gift you have to use it, right?

Today she blessed me again by bringing her teenage daughter to my house to help with my daily routine. She played with the day care children, helped with meals and nap time, cleaned a few windows, vacuumed and gave me some company! I was able to get some much accomplished. Almost every parent that come to pick up their child commented on how clean my house looked!

I was blessed today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so glad you have someone looking out for you!