Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Summer Visitors


Lauren We have been so busy - and everytime I have started a new post, I have gotten interupted. So here goes the update!

My sister-in-law from Florida just left on monday after a 2+week visit. She and the 3 children stayed with my mom but they were with us almost every day. (along with the day care kids - yes 10 or 11 kids in my house. a bit STRESSFUL!)

I was able to take a few days off - one of which we spent at the beach! we had such a great time.
We also went to full blast and it was so fun to watch Ben go up and down the slides a hundred times - They all had fun but our cousins were cold!

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Love Sydney's swimsuit! I almost bought the same one for Haleigh! Can't wait for you to get here! Only a couple more weeks!