Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fun Times

Last Sat., Ben, Sydney and I went with Grammy to see Auntie Claretta for the day. The whole gang was there to visit with Grandma Galusha and to meet my new niece Sofia Violet! My children had so much fun playing the Wii, riding bikes, taking baths (just because they can) and doing whatever else their Auntie lets them do!
Mike and Olivia - Olivia wasn't so excited about the "puppies" at Aunties houseSyd and Mommy

Aunt Myra helping Sydney with baby Sofia - Sydney just loves babies and she did an awesome job holding and rocking Sofia!

Auntie bought a bike for Ben to ride but he has trouble with it because it has too much pink -

Grammy and Sofia

There is just something about a nice hot bath! Olivia wasn't so sure she was having fun!
I have great memories of my visits to Aunties house and I am so glad my kids will have those memories too!

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